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HTML5 compliant websites.
Hosted on the wonderful Wix platform.
Ground up development of a new site​​.

SEO friendly.


As well as your main website, you will also receive a mobile specific site to cater for the mobile media market. HTML5 makes this less important.


On top of your main site you get a Facebook page. Helping to ensure a unified and consistent representation of your business across all social media.


For large multi-channel Ecommerce and Information Management solutions, we recommend.

Withwix, html5 wix driven web design



Hosting is only available using Wix for wix based sites.

We do not charge extra for this.


eCommerce - £10.10/month, based on a yearly agreement.


Best Value - £7.76/month, based on a yearly agreement.


Combo - £5.16/month, based on a yearly agreement.


Lite - £2.55/month, based on a yearly agreement. This is very basic and includes Wix branding.​


We can also deliver HTML5 static sites for alternative hosting. Logo


Graphics and logos are included as part of your web design and build process.

We can however, offer this as a stand alone service if required.


Images, if you already have your own images we can use those. Otherwise we can source these for you. These will be charged for depending on where they have come from.



We can provide an on-going management service for your website if you are too busy to look after it.

Talk to us about this.


We can also provide alternative website hosting and domain name registration.

We use a number of sites including;

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